Glennville Christian Academy

Suggested Book List

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High School English
Classic Book List

Mercer’s Classic Book List




       Title                                                                             Author           


The Giver                                                                     Lois Lowry

Sarah Plain and Tall                                                      Patricia Mac Lachlan

Moby Dick                                                                   Herman Melville

The Crucible                                                                 Arthur Miller

Death of a Salesman                                                     Arthur Miller

Gone with the Wind                                                      Margaret Mitchell

Anne of Green Gables                                                  Montgomery

Island of the Blue Dolphins                                            Scott O’dell

Animal Farm                                                                 George Orwell

1984                                                                            George Orwell

Brave New World                                                        Aldous Huxley

Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea                      Verne

Color Purple                                                                 Alice Walker

Ethan Fraum                                                                 Wharton

Charlotte’s Web                                                           E.B. White

Little House on the Prairie                                             Laura Ingalls Wilder

Our Town                                                                    Thornton Wilder

Black Boy                                                                    Richard Wright

Native Bon                                                                   Richard Wright

Swiss Family Robinson                                                 Johann David Wyss

Pigman                                                                         Zindell

Cry the Beloved Country                                              Alan Paton

A Day No Pigs Would Die                                           Robert Newton Peck

Where the Red Fern Grows                                          Rawls

All Quiet on the Western Front                                     Remarque

Little Prince                                                                  Saint-Exupery

Catcher in Rye                                                              JD Salinger

Shane                                                                           Jack Schaefer

Romeo and Juliet                                                          Shakespeare

Pigmalian                                                                      Shaw

Frankenstein                                                                 Mary Shelley

Antigone                                                                       Sophocles

Call it Courage                                                             Sperry

A Farewell to Arms                                                      Hemingway

Old Man and the Sea                                                    Hemingway

For Whom the Bell Tolls                                               Hemingway

Outsiders                                                                      SE Hinton

Across Five Aprils                                                        Hunt

Flowers for Algernon                                                    Keyes

Jungle Book                                                                 Kipling

A Separate Piece                                                          Knowles

To Kill a Mockingbird                                                   Lee

A Wrinkle in Time                                                        L’Engle

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe                         Lewis

Call of the Wild                                                            London

Diary of Anne Frank                                                     Frank

Miracle Worker                                                            Gibson

Old Yeller                                                                    Gipson

Lord of the Flies                                                           William Golding

Wind in the Willows                                                      Grahame

Summer of My German Soldier                                     Greene

Death Be Not Proud                                                     Gunther

Roots                                                                           Haley

Tess of the D’Urbervilles                                              Hardy

Scarlet Letter                                                                Hawthorne

Murder on the Orient Express                                       Christie

Heart of Darkness                                                        Conrad

Red badge of Courage                                                  Crane

Robinson Crusoe                                                          Defoe

A Christmas Carol                                                        Dickens

Tale of Two Cities                                                        Dickens

Great Expectations                                                       Dickens

Silas Mariner                                                                Eliot

Invisible Man                                                                Ellison

Great Gatsby                                                                Fitzgerald

Johnny Trumane                                                           Forbes

Little Women                                                                Alcott

Sounder                                                                       Armstrong

Pride and Prejudice                                                      Austen

Indian in the Cupboard                                                 Banks

Wonderful Wizard of Oz                                               Frank Long

Fahrenheit 451                                                             Bradbury

Jane Eyre                                                                     Bronte

Withering Heights                                                         Bronte

Secret Garden                                                              Burnett

My Antonia                                                                  Cather

Canterbury Tales                                                          Chaucer

Grapes of Wrath                                                           Steinbeck

Of Mice and Men                                                         Steinbeck

The Pearl                                                                      Steinbeck

Red Pony                                                                     Steinbeck

Kidnapped                                                                   Stevenson

Treasure Island                                                             Stevenson

Gulliver’s Travels                                                          Swift

The Hobbit                                                                   Tolken

War and Peace                                                             Tolstoy

Adventures of Tom Sawyer                                          Mark Twain

Huckleberry Finn                                                          Mark Twain